Saturday, 13 June 2009

White-legged Damselflies on the Ise and Scarce Chaser on the Nene

Male Scarce Chaser showing mating scares and tattered wings.

Mature female Scarce Chaser with drab, overmature colouration
Male White-legged Damselfly

Female White-legged Damselfly

At lunchtime Friday 12 June, there were many White-legged Damselflies on the Ise between Weetabix and Wicksteed Park. Numbers appear to be down on previous years, perhpas because of the poor summers over the last two years.
After work, I went to the Nene at Aldwincle and saw about 6 Scarce Chaser, both male and female. They all looked rather old and tattered, with the females having lost their bright orange colour.