Saturday, 8 June 2013

White-legged Damselflies on the Ise

The Ise near Finedon was showing good numbers of White-legged Damselflies, with 100+ adults in the grasses away from the river margins. I've been worried about the colony here for a few years, but these numbers are an encouraging sign.

After work, I called in to the Nene at Lilford to catch some Scarce Chasers basking in the afternoon sun. I quickly lucked out by spotting a pair of Banded Demoiselles in-cop - not my target species, but a photo I've been waiting 8 years to get. I managed a few that I am happy with. There were about 5 Scarce Chaser about and the same number of Hairy Dragonflies too.

Male White-legged Damselfly

Female White-legged Damselfly
Hairy Dragonfly eating a Mayfly

Mating pair of Banded Demoiselle