Several Broad-bodied Chasers were ovipositing, and I managed to merge a sequence to show how the female progresses to lay her eggs. While this was happening, a Four-spotted Chaser buzzed her and was promptly seen off by her attendant male. A couple of Emperors were also egg laying as were many Azures.
At Hanging Houghton, there were only a few Beautiful Demoiselles around, but the two females present were egg-laying, while a pair of Bandeds and a Beautifuls flitted above.
James Underwood reports seeing Brown Hawkers and Southern Hawkers hunting the rides in Brookfield Plantation. Red-eyed and Large Red Damselflies were still on view at a flooded quarry near Gretton while both species of Darter near to Harringworth Lodge Lake.
Male Emerald Damselfly |
Ovipositing Emperor |
Merged sequence of a Broad-bodied Chaser ovipositing |
Male Four-spotted Chaser harassing the Broad-bodied Chaser |
Female Beautiful Demoiselle |